Do I Have an STD?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are not fun. Not only can the symptoms be painful or unsightly, but you may be embarrassed, too. If you have a partner, you’ll also need to take extra precautions to ensure he or she does not get the STD.

And if you’re asking if you have an STD, you’ll need to fall into one or more the following categories:

  • You’re sexually active
  • You’ve given or received oral sex

It’s also possible to get an STD from bodily fluids, so masturbation can also lead to an STD in some cases.  Oral, anal and vaginal sex can all lead to an STD.

Most Common STDs

There are dozens of STDS that a person can contract, many of which you can try to determine if you have through our STD quiz.

An STD screening will typically check for the following diseases:

1.      Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

The most common STD in the United States. A disease so common that nearly everyone will contract this STD if they’re sexually active (according to the CDC), HPV can be passed from one person to another even when no symptoms are present.

This is an STD that can be prevented via vaccination, and, in most cases, HPV will go away on its own.

In the event that HPV does not clear up, it can lead to genital warts and cancer.

2.      Chlamydia

Treated with antibiotics, chlamydia is a bacterium that is often associated with burning during urination and odd discharge from the penis or vagina. The main issue with this disease is that only 25% of women and 50% of men that test positive will have symptoms, so it’s hard to detect.

3.      Gonorrhea

Another bacterial disease that is treated with antibiotics. Gonorrhea is often accompanied by chlamydia (fun), and the symptoms are the same: unusual discharge and burning during urination.

Men are more likely to exhibit symptoms when they have gonorrhea, while only 20% of women will have symptoms.

4.      Syphilis

A complicated disease. Syphilis has four stages wherein the symptoms will vary from a sore, to a rash, mouth sores and eventually sores on the vagina or anus. Nerve and organ damage can be caused by this disease if it’s allowed to go through to the final stage.

If left untreated, Syphilis can last for the rest of a person’s life.

5.      Herpes

There are two strains of herpes: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Blisters are the most common symptoms of herpes, and the blisters can present on the mouth, vagina, penis or anus. Not every sufferer will have symptoms, and all that is needed is skin-to-skin contact to contract herpes.

Even when a condom is present, herpes can be contracted from skin contact above the ring of the condom.

Herpes can be managed (not cured) with medication.

6.      HIV/AIDS

The worst-of-the-worst STD is HIV/AIDS. Passed through bodily fluids, a person can get this disease through unprotected sex as well as sharing needles with a person that is infected. Symptoms of this disease are vague and can include slight fever, muscle aches or even fatigue.


How Do You Know If You Have An STD?

How Do You Know If You Have An STD

STD Symptoms Quiz

There are many signs of STD, and the following an STD quiz will help you determine if you may have an STD.

Question 1: Have You Had Unprotected Sex with a New Partner?

If you’ve had any form of unprotected sex with a new partner, it’s possible that you have contracted an STD. Sex in this case can be defined as: oral, anal or vaginal sex. Women or men that answer yes to this question should have an STD screening performed.

Question 2: Have You Masturbated Another Person?

Masturbation can lead to an STD in rare cases. Bodily fluid from ejaculation can cause you to contract a disease. Sharing toys can also lead to an STD. While these are rare cases, it’s possible that you may have an STD.

Self-masturbation cannot lead to an STD.

Question 3: Did a Condom Break?

If a condom broke during sex, it’s possible that bodily fluid entered into the anus or vagina. If this is the case, it’s possible that an STD was spread in the process. if you’re uncertain of your partner’s STD status, go get an STD screening done.

Question 4: Do You Have Any of the Following Symptoms?

STDS or STIs (sexually transmitted infections) are very difficult to diagnose because symptoms may not be present. Even if the other person looks clean (there’s no warts, blisters, rashes, etc.), this doesn’t mean they don’t have an STD.

Symptoms often do not present themselves, and that makes an STD quiz based on symptoms alone less viable.

With that said, you may have an STD if you have the following symptoms:

  • Itching in the genital or anal area
  • Sores on the mouth, anus or genitals
  • Blisters on the mouth, anus or genitals
  • Burning during urination
  • Fatigue
  • Unusual vaginal or penial discharge
  • Unusual vaginal odors
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Testicular pain
  • Warts
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Rashes
  • Fever
  • Sore throat

And if you have any of these symptoms, it may be an STD or STI, or it can be another medical condition. An STD screening is the only way to verify your STD status.

Question 5: Do You Have Unprotected Sex?

Unprotected sex is a big no-no. Even if you’re on the pill or sterile, you can still contract an STD. if you’ve had unprotected sex with a new partner or a partner that has intercourse with others, you’re at a heightened risk for an STD.

What to Do If You Might Have an STD

signs you have an std
How do you know if you have an std?

You’ve went through our STD quiz and you’ve answered yes to one or more of the questions listed, now it’s time to take action. Since symptoms may or may not occur, it’s important to have an STD screening performed.

Screenings are fast, easy and can be discreet.

An exam can be conducted in numerous ways, depending on the patient:

  • Physical exams can be done if symptoms are present, and this will lead to further exams in most cases.
  • Blood work is needed to test your blood for a variety of different diseases.
  • Discharge samples may be taken to narrow down the disease or infection.
  • Urine samples may be required.
  • Saliva or tissue samples may be needed and further examined.

Since there are dozens of STDs and STIs, it may take multiple screenings for a definite diagnosis. There are screenings that will test for a variety of the most common STDs, and this is recommended.

Doctors recommend getting screened every 90 days if you have multiple partners. There is also the chance of a sexual partner contracting a disease and passing it to you even if you believe you’re in a committed relationship.

Once the screening is completed, your doctor may conduct other tests to determine the severity of the disease. Treatments are available for most diseases that make them manageable or curable in some cases.

If you’ve tested positive for an STD, you should warn your partner and have him or her screened as well. Following treatment, you’ll be advised to undergo additional testing to ensure that you’ve responded to the treatment accordingly. Remember, even the best STD quiz should be followed up with a screening for a definite diagnosis.